A Song of Ice and Fire TMG

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG
A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Golden Company Swordsmen
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Golden Company Swordsmen

By controlling the Tactics Zone on the Tactics board, knowing Commanders can harness the full use of their Swordsmen’s Tactical Strike, allowing th...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Casterly Rock Honor Guards
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Casterly Rock Honor Guards

Equipped with the finest plate armor, the Casterly Rock Honor Guard’s high defensive capabilities allow them to hold the line while exploiting oppo...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Lannister Starter Set
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Lannister Starter Set

The House Lannister Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a perfect starting place for players looking to don the...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon King's Men
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon King's Men

The faith that the King’s Men have in The Seven is only matched by their faith that Stannis Baratheon should be the next one to sit upon the Iron T...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Ironmakers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Ironmakers

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Ironmakers Every House requires troops of all types in the wars that happen throughout Westeros. Allied with House Greyj...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Ironborn Trappers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Ironborn Trappers

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Ironborn Trappers House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros. ...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Mother of Dragons
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Mother of Dragons

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Mother of Dragons A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and ic...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Greyjoy Starter Set
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Greyjoy Starter Set

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Greyjoy Starter Set A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and ...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Greyjoy Heroes 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Greyjoy Heroes 1

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Greyjoy Heroes #1 While the Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, and factions within Westeros are busy fighting over the Iron...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG War Mammoths
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG War Mammoths

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG - War Mammoths A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and iconi...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stag Knights
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stag Knights

The Stag Knights are House Baratheon’s finest unit. Their ranks are made up of nobles, each bearing the signature horned him as a sign of their sta...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Night's Watch Attachments 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Night's Watch Attachments 1

The Night’s Watch will gladly take in anyone and everyone in order to bolster their ranks. They are evil-vigilant protectors of the Wall, keeping W...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Free Folk Attachments 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Free Folk Attachments 1

There are an unknown number of tribes that live north of the Wall. These tough and hardy people will often form up and head south, looking for more...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Attachments 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Attachments 1

With the death of Robert Baratheon, many have put in claims to be the next rightful person to sit on the Iron Throne. For House Baratheon, two peop...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Targaryen Dothraki Veterans
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Targaryen Dothraki Veterans

A Dothraki is effectively born in the saddle. From the earliest age, they learn to ride, becoming the greatest horsemen in the land. After many bat...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG - Stark Attachments 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG - Stark Attachments 1

House Stark is known for extolling integrity, justice, and loyalty. Those that flock to the Direwolf’s Banner feel that what they are fighting for ...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Lannister Attachments 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Lannister Attachments 1

House Lannister looks to maintain control of the Iron Throne and is willing to spend any cost in order to make it happen. Their coffers are open, a...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stormcrow Dervishes
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stormcrow Dervishes

The Stormcrow mercenary company is well known throughout all of Westeros for their love of money. When hiring them to fight their battles, the diff...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Targaryen Heroes 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Targaryen Heroes 1

While the great Houses of Westeros fight with one another over who will sit on the Iron Throne, a foreign faction steadily grows in power across th...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Rose Knights
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Rose Knights

House Baratheon is a House divided. However, even at only partial strength, they can field an army that’s more than a match or any other force in W...

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A Song of Ice and Fire Baratheon R'hllor Faithful
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A Song of Ice and Fire Baratheon R'hllor Faithful

The R’hllor Faithful bring their conviction in their god to the battlefield in service of Stannis Baratheon. These holy warriors anoint their blade...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Heroes 2
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Heroes 2

The Baratheon Heroes #2 box set for the Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players eager to see Lord Renly on the...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Heroes 1
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Heroes 1

The Baratheon Heroes #1 box set gives House Baratheon players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game a host of options for when th...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Unsullied Swordmasters
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Unsullied Swordmasters

The Unsullied have one of the most difficult training regimens of any unit. Only about one in three survives to the end. However, those that do are...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Bloody Mummers Zorse Riders
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Bloody Mummers Zorse Riders

To stand out among all the different mercenary companies in Westeros, one must get creative. For the Bloody Mummers, they have decided that every a...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Free Folk Skinchangers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Free Folk Skinchangers

Skinchangers have the rare ability to project their consciousness into nearby creatures, altering their behavior. This can be used simply, perhaps ...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Wardens
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Baratheon Wardens

House Baratheon’s battle doctrine is fairly simple: be strong like iron. They outfit their troops in heavy armor at every level and arm them with t...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Dothraki Screamers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Dothraki Screamers

The warrior ways of the Dothraki might make them appear as simple barbarian savages, screaming into the sky as they charge into battle. And many co...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Bloody Mummers Skirmishers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Bloody Mummers Skirmishers

House Bolton’s reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards univ...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG  Free Folk Deluxe Activation Banners
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Free Folk Deluxe Activation Banners

During battle, communication between a commander and their troops is extremely important. Many great battles have been won and lost because one sid...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG  Stormcrow Archers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stormcrow Archers

The unrest in Westeros has created a large market for men willing to sell their services to any House willing to pay. These mercenaries can be rath...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stormcrow Mercenaries
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Stormcrow Mercenaries

With war happening regularly in Westeros, certain groups have formed around the idea of selling their armed services to anyone who can pay their pr...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG  Neutral Heroes 2
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Neutral Heroes 2

Westeros is a land not unfamiliar with war and conflict. Much blood has been shed all across its expanse. During times of strife, there are those t...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Tully Cavaliers
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Tully Cavaliers

House Tully has long been one of House Stark’s most stalwart allies. Now that the Direwolf has marched to war, every resource is being sent to fiel...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG The Veterans of the Watch
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG The Veterans of the Watch

The Night's Watch is Ever Vigilant. Far in the north of Westeros, The Wall protects the civilized lands from the dangers that lurk beyond. Manning ...

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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Builder Crossbowmen
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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Builder Crossbowmen

The brotherhood of the Night’s Watch has pledged to keep Westeros safe from all the horrors that live north of The Wall. Forsaking any life they mi...

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