Hot Seat

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Hot Seat - the adult party game about your friends. ÂHear the stories your friends were hoping everyone forgot.

Each round, write an answer to the question pretending to be the player in the Hot Seat.

Points are awarded to the players who guess the Hot Seat player's response correctly, and those who successfully fool players into guessing Âtheir answer.

For 4-10 players, average play time is 30-60 minutes. The adult party game about your friends For 4-10 players For ages 17+ Average play time 30-60 minutes

Example Question Cards What is something about me that would surprise my Grandma? What will God say to me right before sending me to Hell? What will I do in my lifetime that no one else here will?

Game Contents 200 question cards Answer Pads for up to 10 players Score Sheet Instruction Booklet.


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