Blackstone Fortress: The Omnibus

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Blackstone Fortress: The Omnibus

Journey into the Blackstone Fortress with this bumper edition of stories and novels from Warhammer Quest – what secrets lurk in the obsidian vaults, and what ruinous powers wait to be discovered?


- Blackstone Fortress a novel by Darius Hinks
- Blackstone Fortress: Ascension a novel by Darius Hinks
- Warsphere a short story by Darius Hinks
- The Warp's Curse a short story by Michael J Hollows
- Vaults of Obsidian an anthology of the following short stories:
Talisman of Vaul by Darius Hinks
Shapes Pent in Hell by Josh Reynolds
Fates and Fortunes by Thomas Parrott
Past in Flames by J C Sterns
Negavolt by Nicholas Wolf
The Three-Edged Blade by Denny Flowers
Motherlode by Nick Kyme
Purity is a Lie by Gav Thorpe
The Oath in Darkness by David Annandale
Man of Iron by Guy Haley
The Beast Inside by Darius Hinks
The Last of the Longhorns by Nick Kyme

9781804075531    BL3111


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