51st State

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The world you know no longer exists. There is no government. No army. No civilization. The United States has collapsed. And now, 30 years after the war started, new powers finally try to take control over the ruined country. Try to establish a new order. Try to control others. Create a new country, a new State: the 51st State. Players take control of one of four factions vying for control of the post-war remains of a devastated United States. These factions struggle to build their stockpiles of supplies through conquest, trade, and expansion of their territory, until they achieve the stability to become the 51st State - and provide the foundation of a new society. Designed by internationally renowned designer Ignacy Trzewiczek, and set in the Neuroshima universe, 51st State features breathtaking artwork and innovative gameplay. Players will have to strategically plan the growth of their faction - Will you use force to gain large, short term benefits? Will you negotiate to gain an ongoing income? Or will you incorporate new locations into your territory? Difficult decisions await the players on every turn.


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