The Russian Campaign

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The Deluxe 5th Edition of The Russian Campaign includes numerous rules changes by leveraging the expertise and experience of today’s leading experts and world renown players who have organized numerous TRC tournament events and online support sites. These changes reflect more than thirty years of player experience as well as outcomes from recent research.  Examples of the former include additional balancing rules and providing more examples of play while examples of the latter include modifications to Archangel-based replacements and German Minor Ally restrictions.  Players of earlier versions of TRC will be able to immediately play the 5th edition but the designer, publisher, and developers are steadfast in their belief that the current rules make it even easier for new players to quickly get into the game.

The end result is a perfect blend of the game’s classical, core system with key enhancements and clarifications driven by the best gaming minds in the world associated with this game who have invested literally thousands of hours over the years – in both playing and supporting the game.



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