The Worst Case Scenario Card Game

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10 million books sold worldwide
4 New York Times bestsellers
TV series produced on TBS & Discovery networks
New book launch in 2021 (The WCS Book of Fear)

How do you compare living through a pandemic to being chased by a gorilla or locked in the trunk of a moving car or losing your memory or being lost at sea? We live in a dangerous world, and now is the time for you to decide which scenarios are bad, very bad, awful, horrible, or simply the worst!

Take turns playing "The Victim" and score points when your fellow players match how you rank five worst-case scenarios. The Victims Wheel decides your fate on every turn, but when disaster strikes all that matters is who thinks alike!


225 Worst-Case Scenario Cards
The Victim Wheel
30 Ranking Chips
Score Pad
Easy Rules
Ages 10 - Adult

3-6 Players



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