Starcadia Quest

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Starcadia Quest is the sci-fi stand-alone game in the Arcadia Quest family. The game employs the same Player vs. Player vs. Enemy mechanic of the originals, but with new rules and themes that are out of this world. Players take on the role of Crews of two Heroes as they must fight against the evil minions of Supreme Commander Thorne. Over the course of a branching campaign, players will fight alien monsters and each other, find new gear, explore the far reaches of space, and do their best to not become alien chow!

Starcadia Quest is a new standalone campaign game for 2 to 4 players. The dastardly Supreme Commander Thorne is looking to control the galaxy (at least a good portion of it) and each player leads a crew of two heroes flying through space on a quest to defeat him. While they share the same goal, the different crews are not exactly in league with one another. They will compete as much with each other as they do with Thorne and his army.


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