Warhammer Invasion: Realm of the Phoenix King Battle Pack

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The glorious city of Lothern prepares for war, the High Elves ever vigilant of their borders. Woe to any enemy who invades the realm of the powerful Phoenix King... Realm of the Phoenix King is the second Battle Pack in The Capital Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion. With half of its 60 cards (three copies each of 20 unique cards) devoted to the ancient and powerful defenders of Ulthuan, Realm of the Phoenix King is an invaluable Battle Pack for players of the High Elf faction. Additionally, players of other factions will find a variety of useful tactics, units, and support options. The Empire's most gifted engineers bring the mighty Clockwork Horse to the battlefield, while the Dark Elves' Spawn of Kintearer strikes fear into the hearts of his foes. Meanwhile, thousands of Skavenslaves serve as shock troops for the verminous horde, and the Wood Elves' Stag of the Sacred Glade charges forth from the forest, barreling through enemy defenses!