Wicked & Wise

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Dragons compete in a variety of ways, but one of their favorite ways to compete is by playing trick-taking games.  

In Wicked & Wise, players are either the dragons who are playing a trick-taking game OR they're a mouse allied with a particular dragon to help manipulate the trick-taking game. Over the course of three rounds, each team of mouse and dragon fight over tricks, treasures, and coins to see which team ends up on top!

The game isn't all about winning tricks; it's about setting goals and utilizing magical treasures. If you can make enough of your goals or sabotage enough of the other team's goals, you'll have the most coins at the end of the game and be crowned king of the caves!

Wicked & Wise is a fantasy game for 2 to 6 players. Wicked & Wise is designed by Fertessa Allyse, and published by Weird Giraffe Games.

Board game mechanics: Trick-taking


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